Digital Marketing

Are Customers Always Right?

Ingrid Davidson

Ingrid Davidson

Digital Marketing Strategist
02 May 2024 - Comments
Are Customers Always Right?
2 min read

Are customers always right?

This  means since customers are the consumers and most important aspect/expected end point of production, their feedbacks inputs and contributions are important.And in most cases should serve as a bias to win the customer even if what is said is right or relevant.

Customers are also known as consumers, and they are the target market of a production & distribution based company.
The activities, volume and consistency of a company's customer base, determines a company's profit or loss margin. Thus, customers are the customary king makers of companies or corporations.The use of maxims like "customers are always right" or "customer is king" only go out to highlight their importance in the trading process.
It is not to absolve consumers of the ability to make wrong choices, but it is to emphasize that an intentional company, would do any thing to retain its consumer base.

E.g Erisco foods recently had an intended consumer that gave bad reviews about their tomato pastes, and questioned the addition of sugar and its implication to health, Erisco foods had her locked up, and threatens to jail her if she doesnt apologize, and she has refused to do so, the case protracts. 
What can we learn from this in relation to the topic being disccused and what should Erisco have done differently ?

To answer that, it is important to look at the effects of this action on the company, public opinion about the company's ceo and his almost tyrannical approach to the batter is at an all time low, there have been widespread SM campaigns to boycott Erisco foods, and i personally wouldn't be consuming it either, and this is the negative dominoes effect that wise companies avoid.Imagine that Erisco caught wind of that review, and invited her over to the company to witness the manufacturing process, have a televised session of it, assuring Nigerians of its safety, and improving the standards, as well as making The person with the negative review a brand ambassador. Would there be boycotting campaigns against the product?
It is logical that public opinion about Erisco foods after such gallantry and suave move would sky rocket as well as its consumer base.So customers are always right.
Takes one customer to discourage a multitude, still takes one customer to encourage multitude, this reaction, or action is directly proportional to how the corporation's look at them.
As kings or just buyers, as right or not caring atall.
The choice is theirs


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